There is a wide range of food you can cook in Runescape. Food is very useful, as it heals lost hit points. As you practice this skill, you will burn less food, and you will be able to make better food which heals more. To cook the food, you have to use it on a range or a fire. Meat and fish can just be cooked, but bread dough have to be made before you cook it.
Guide links:
Cooking table
Sometimes, you can eat the food in two or more pieces, like cakes and pies. You will get the heal divided by bites (Cake heals 12, and is 3 bites, so it heals 4 each bite)
Note: White background is regular food, blue background is members only.
Image |
Name |
Needed level |
Exp gained |
Heals(bites) |
Shrimps |
1 |
30 |
3 |
Chicken |
1 |
30 |
3 |
Meat |
1 |
30 |
3 |
Karambwanji |
1 |
30 |
3 |
Bread |
1 |
40 |
5 |
Sardine |
1 |
40 |
4 |
Herring |
5 |
50 |
5 |
Mackerel |
10 |
60 |
6 |
Redberry pie |
10 |
78 |
9(2) |
Thin Snail |
12 |
65 |
5-7 |
Anchovies |
15 |
30 |
1 |
Trout |
15 |
70 |
7 |
Lean Snail |
17 |
85 |
6-8 |
Cod |
18 |
70 |
7 |
Nettle Tea |
20 |
N/A |
3 |
Pike |
20 |
80 |
8 |
Meat Pie |
20 |
80 |
11(2) |
Fat Snail |
22 |
85 |
7-9 |
Salmon |
25 |
90 |
9 |
Stew |
25 |
117 |
11 |
Slimy Eel |
28 |
95 |
6-10 |
Tuna |
30 |
100 |
10 |
Apple Pie |
30 |
130 |
14(2) |
Chompy Bird |
30 |
100 |
10 |
Plain pizza |
35 |
143 |
14(2) |
Wine |
35 |
110 |
11 |
Lobster |
40 |
120 |
12 |
Cake |
40 |
180 |
12(3) |
Bass |
43 |
130 |
13 |
Swordfish |
45 |
140 |
14 |
Meat Pizza |
45 |
169 |
16(2) |
Oomlie Wrap |
50 |
30 |
14 |
Chocolate Cake |
50 |
210 |
15(3) |
Lava Eel |
53 |
140 |
11 |
Anchovy Pizza |
55 |
182 |
18(2) |
Ugthanki Kebab |
58 |
80 |
19 |
Curry |
60 |
221 |
19 |
Monkfish |
62 |
150 |
16 |
Pineapple Pizza |
65 |
195 |
22(2) |
Karambwan |
65 |
105 |
18 |
Shark |
80 |
210 |
20 |
Sea Turtle |
82 |
212 |
21 |
Manta Ray |
91 |
216 |
22 |
Basic items
Pot, Pie Dish, Bowl |
These items can be made in crafting.
Pots can also be bought in General store for 1gp.
Pie dishes respawn in the pickaxe store in Dwarven mine. |
Flour |
1. You need a pot. Find some weat, either northwest of lumbridge, or north of Yanille
2. Now, go to a windmill and go to the top floor. Use the weat with the hopper, and operate the hopper controls.
3. Go down again and pick up the weat.
You can also buy flour in Draynor Village. Members can also get unlimited amounts of flour in Sinclair Mansion, which is the location of the Murder Mystery quest. |
Water |
Find a bucket or jug, you can buy them in general stores.
Go to a fountain or a sink, and use the bucket/jug on it. You can also use buckets on wells. |
How to make
Fish and eels |
To cook fish, you have to fish a fish of choice, and then just cook it. See our Fishing guide for more info. |
Meat |
To cook chickens, you have to kill chickens and get their meat. For normal meat, just kill a bear, rat, cow etc and cook their meat.
NOTE: Chompy Birds can only be cooked on Ogre Spitroast. |
Bread |
Just use flour with water, and make "Bread Dough".
Cook it. |
Pies |
Use flour with water, and make a Pastry Dough.
Use the dough with an empty Pie Dish.
Add the content of choice:
-Redberry: Respawn southeast of varrock, or buy it in Port Sarim
-Meat: Read the meat guide above.
-Apple: Found in the cooking guild |
Snails |
Snails can be found in Mort Myre swamp. Kill snails and cook their meat.
Thin Snail |
Myre & Ochre blamish snails |
Lean Snail |
Bark Blamish Snails |
Fat Snail |
Bruise & Blood Blamish Snails |
Nettle Tea |
Fill a bowl with water.
Put some picked nettles into the bowl of water.
Cook it.
Use the bowl of nettle tea with a cup.
You can use a bucket of milk on it. |
Stew and curry |
Get some cooked meat, and fill a bowl with water.
Get some potatoes, either east of Draynor Village, or west of Ardougne.
Add the potatoes and meat to the water-filled bowl.
If you are making a curry, steal or buy some spice in Ardougne, and add it.
Cook it. |
Pizzas |
Mix water and flour, and make a Pizza Base.
Use a tomato and some cheese on the pizza base. Get them at the respawn in Draynor Village, or buy it in Port Sarim.
Cook it.
Add your choice of topping to the pizza (optional): Meat, anchovies or pineapple. |
Wine |
Fill a jug with water. Use grapes on it. You can get grapes in the cooking guild, and goblins drops it.
Wait until the wine ferments. Just wait some seconds. |
Cakes |
Get an egg from a chicken farm (lumbridge or south of Falador)
Get some milk by using a bucket on a cow. Get some flour.
Get a cake thin. You can find it in the cooking guild. Use the ingredients on it.
Cook it.
If you want to make a chocolate cake, use some chocolate on it. It can be found in cooking guild or in Port Sarim cooking shop. |
Oomlie Wrap (Legends Quest needed) |
Go to Khazari Jungle, which can be found south of Shilo Village and kill some Oomlie birds. Pick up their meat.
Go to the totem pole in the western part of the jungle, and find a Leafy Palm Tree and shake it. A Palm leaf will appear on the ground.
Use the palm leaf on the Raw Oomlie Meat to wrap it up
Cook it.
NOTE: Unwrapped Oomlie will always burn! |
Ugthanki Kebab |
- Cook some raw Ugthanki meat.
- Get a knife, bowl, an onion and a tomato.
- Use the tomato and onion with the bowl (with the knife in your inventory) to make a bowl of onion and tomatos.
- Add cooked Ugthanki meat to the bowl.
- Mix flour and water to make pitta dough.
- Cook the Pitta Dough to make a Pitta Bread.
- Use the Pitta Bread with the kebab mix.