Runescape hjælp - Pest Control

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Pest Control


Min yngligs minigame

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The Pest Control is a new mini game released the 18th April. To access the mini game, you will have to take a boat from Port Sarim [map] to the new Outpost. Note that you need combat level 40 to enter this mini game.

Quote from Runescape:
"The Void Knights are devoted to keeping the balance that exists on Gielinor as decreed by Guthix. In the past this meant little more than the odd assassination but times are changing. Recently creatures from another realm have started breaking through into this one, though so far their incursions are limited to small islands to the south."

Map of the Void Knights' Outpost

The Outpost

Welcome to the Void Knights' Outpost!

At the Outpost you will find a few shops and of course a bank.
The general store sells everything a normal general store sells, including one extra item, Field Ration, it will heal you 10HP when you eat it.

The Anarchy Store sells ranged weapon, such as Javelins and Arrow heads up to Rune.

The Magic Store sells all element runes, including deaths and chaos runes, so if you are out of runes you can buy there for a fair price.

In the blacksmith you will find a NPC, similar to Bob in Lumbridge who can fix broken tools and barrows armor, so if your Dharok's/Verac/Guthan/Torag/Ahrims/Karils gets broken, you can fix it here.

When you got everything you need go down to the boat and get ready to fight against high leveld creatures. Cross the gangplank and wait for your team mates, in a few seconds you will be on a island with loads of high leveled creatures.

Recommended Items

You will be fighting really high leveled creatures, some as low as 21 combat, but others as high as 125 combat. If you're going to defend the Void Knight you will need melee armor and weapon, or mage armor and runes (some of them are weak to mage, or if you're using ancient you can freeze them with your ice spells). If you'rer attacking, it's more of your own choice, you can stand in the towers and range/mage them or go to the portals and try to destroy them. Of course, it's wise to bring some food or Field Rations for food if you get hit.

However, if you get hit and die you will respawn at the boat with no item loss.

If you want to fix walls/gates that get broken by the monsters you will need a hammer and a hatchet to fix them.

Please note that you may NOT use cannons at all on the island.

The Void Knight's Island

Welcome to the Void Knights island, here you will be protecting the void knight from beeing killed by the monsters, the defenders will be defending the Void Knight, and the attackers will try to smash the portals down. Note that in order to get a reward, you need to have dealt at least 50 points of damage during the mini game!

Defending the Void Knight

The Void Knight needs defence, else he will die and you will lose, and no one wants to lose to protect him from attacks, to fix the Void Knight more HP you will need to destroy the portals, he will then get 60HP.

The Void Knight can be attacked from all monsters, Defilers, Torchers and Shifters are the only monsters you will need to care off, Defilers and Torchers are the most dangerous monsters, they can attack from long distances with Ranged/Magic attacks. The Shifters will teleport close to the void knight and start melee attacking him.

Kill all the monsters as fast as possible if you don't want the Void Knight to die and lose.

Your final monster to worry about is the Ravangers, If they aren't killed they will smash the gates, and you will need to fix them (Hatchet, Logs and Hammer needed). You will have to defend the gates if they are broke, else the monsters will get free way in and be able to kill the Void Knight.


So defending isn't something for you? Great, we got portals to destroy and monsters that are waiting to die. There are 4 portals on the island, you will need to destroy these to win (you can also win by staying there in 20 minutes and NOT die at all). The only thing here you should worry about is spinners, they will heal the portal and make it impossible for you to destory it. Kill spinners fast and you wont get a problem at all. Do not worry about anything else then the portal and spinners if your attacking (and attacking only the portal).

The Towers

At the tower all the mages and rangers can stand to attack the monsters, they can still be hit but not so often, and only by Shifters, Torchers and Defilers.


Picture Monster Levels Name Information
21, 32, 43, 54, 64 Splatters
Selv om de er lave og ser ud som en fodbold med et øje i midten, er de mere dangours end du tror: De vil komme tæt på dig og eksplodere! Deres eksplosion vil skade spillere og objekter tæt på sig selv.
37, 56, 75, 94, 113 Shifter
Shifters er farlige tummel monstre; de kan skabe teleportering portaler for selv at Teleport overalt. Også den spines på ryggen er virkelig farligt, og du skal passe på dem. Shifters kan også Teleport mellem væggene.
35, 52, 70, 88, 105 Ravager Ravagers udseende mol med deres kløer. De kan let ødelægge mure og porte. Hvis de gør ødelægge en, skal du enten rette det eller forsvare det fra flere monstre
37, 55, 74, 87, 92 Spinner
Hvis du nogensinde ser en spinderske, er det sikkert tæt på en portal. Hvis ja, dræber det, fordi det vil helbrede portalen og udfyld portalens hit point, så du får problemer ødelægge portalen.
50, 75, 100, 128, 157 Brawler
Brawler er dyr i samme højde som dig, og kan trykke helt højde Du vil ikke finde disse dyr tæt på Ugyldig Knight. Men jo tættere du kommer til portalen, at flere af disse du vil finde. De vil forsøge at beskytte portalen bliver destoryed.
41, 62, 83, 104, 125 Torcher
Torchers er magisk strøm "fugle", som vil forsøge at dræbe Ugyldig Knight fra afstand. Dette er virkelig let at dræbe.
Defiler 33, 50, 67, 84, 101 Defiler
Defilers svarer til Torchers, men de er varierede baseret.


When you get Void Knight points from playing the game, these can be exchanged into experience. You will also get some GP when you won. When you win, you will get this message:

However, if you lose, you will get this message:

When you win, you'll get 1 point. When you earn more points, you will be able to exchange them into one of the following rewards:

The amount of experience you get is your level in that skill squared and then divided by 6. If you chose Prayer, it is divided by 12.
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