Runescape hjælp - Farming

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Farming is a members only skill where players can plant and harvest their own crops. The plants can take many hours to grow, but an active farmer always has something to do with farming patches all around RuneScape.

If a farming patch is empty, weeds will start growing in it. To remove the weeds, use a rake on the patch. The weeds can be used with a compost bin to make compost. After you've weeded the patch, you can put the seeds into it. There are different patches for specific plants: Flowers can only be planted in flower patches, trees can only be planted in tree patches and so on.

In this guide, we will take you through all different plants, as well as patch locations and everything you need to know about farming.

Guide links:

The Farming Tools

There are many farming tools, and we have gathered info about each of them.

Picture Name Used for... How to get
Compost Compost Bucket Threating the farming patch soil See the Compost section
Basket Fruit Basket Stores up to 5 fruits (Apples, tomatoes, oranges & strawberries) Buyable from any farming shops (1gp)
Gardening boots Gardening Boots Decorative. Does not benefit farming. Dropped by Farmers
Gardening trowel Gardening Trowel Used to plant Tree Seeds in pots Buyable from any farming shop (12gp)
Plant cure Plant Cure Cures diseased crops Buyable from any farming shop (40gp) or from a local farmer (25gp)
Plant pot Plant pot Planting your tree seed here before you put it in a patch Buyable from any farming shop (1gp)
Rake Rake Removing weeds from your farming patches Buyable from any farming shop (6gp)
Empty sack Sack Stores up to 10 vegetables (cabbages, onions, potatoes) Buyable from any farming shop (1gp)
Secateurs Secateurs Removes diseased branches from trees and bushes Buyable from any farming shop (5gp)
Seed dibber Seed dibber Needed when planting all seeds Buyable from any farming shop (6gp)
Spade Spade Harvesting crops, removing dead plants, removing plant roots and bushes Buyable from any farming shop (3gp)
Watering can Watering Can Watering your plants, allowing them to grow Empty one can be bought from any farming shop (8gp)


Compost is important in farming. There are two different kinds if composts: Regular Compost and Super Compost. Regular compost is made with most of the plants, such as weeds, low level herbs, flowers, and many other plants.

The super compost are made with better plants. Some of the plants are:

  • Herbs that are better than Avantoe
  • Pineapples
  • Tree Roots
  • Watermelon
  • White Berries

Note that using Tomatoes on a compost bin will NOT make compost, but rotten tomatoes! There isn't anything good with these, except that you can throw it on people in the duel arena.

Name XP for filling buckets with compost XP for using compost on a patch
Per bucket Total
Compost 4.5 67.5 18
Super Compost 8.5 127.5 26
Rotten Tomatoes 8.5 127.5 0

Avoiding Disease

Disease can kill your crops, and you will be unable to harvest your crops.

The most important things to do to avoid disease is:

Check your crops often and water them if they're dry.
Even when you do this, you may find diseased plants. Luckily, they're not dead, so you can use a Plant Cure, which is bought from any farming shop or from a local farmer. Use it on the plant, and it will become healthy.

The plant cure can be bought from any farming shop, or from a local farmer.

Plant Flowers/Scarecrows
By simply planting flowers, they can protect certain crops close to it. Remember to use normal compost on all crops anyway! Also, note that only fully grown flowers protects your crops!

Hire a local farmer
This is not free, but it won't cost you money. It will cost you another farming item. In all sections, we've wrote what the gardener wants to protect your crop.
When you hire a local farmer, your crops will be 100% protected.

Allotments, Flowers and Herbs

To plant these, you will need to go to an Allotment Patch. At all Allotment Patches, there is always:

  • A Compost Bin
  • One Herb Patch
  • One Flower Patch
  • One Allotment Patch (for Vegetables)

The Allotment Patches

Map Info Closest bank
North of Catherby. The fastest way to get there is teleport to Camelot Catherby Bank
Between Falador and Draynor. Either teleport to Falador and go there, or use the Amulet of Glory to Draynor and walk from there. Falador East Bank or Draynor bank
North of Ardougne. Teleport to Ardougne, and walk toward the north. Ardougne Bank
North-West of Port Phasmatys in Morytania. Fastest is to use your Ectophial and walk north-west. If you don't have it, you shouldn't use the patch. Port Phasmatys (Or Canifis)
Take the same route as in the quest My Arm's Big Adventure. You must have completed this quest to access this patch. Note that this patch is disease free. Since this patch is a long way to walk to, it is recommended that you use Trollheim Teleport (level 61 magic and must have completed Eadgar's Ruse) to teleport yourself near the stronghold. Warriors' Guild in Burthorpe, but highly recommended to just teleport


Here is some information on the seeds you can plant in Allotment Patches, with earned XP and needed levels.

Seed Name Needed level Planting XP Harvesting XP Average grow time Result
Potato seeds Potato 1 8 9 35 mins Potato
Onion seeds Onion 5 10 11 35 mins Onion
Cabbage seeds Cabbage 7 10 11.5 35 mins Cabbage
Tomato seeds Tomato 12 12.5 14 35 mins
Sweetcorn seeds Sweetcorn 20 17 19 35 mins Sweetcorn
Strawberry seeds Strawberry 31 26 29 35 mins Strawberry
Watermelon seeds Watermelon 47 48 54.5 70 mins Watermelon

Either, you can take care of the plants yourself, or you can pay a local farmer to do it. This will cost you another farming product, and different crops need different farming products:

Seed Name Payment
Potato seeds Potato 2 buckets of Compost
Onion seeds Onion 1 sack of Potatoes
Cabbage seeds Cabbage 1 sack of Onions
Tomato seeds Tomato 2 sacks of Cabbage
Sweetcorn seeds Sweetcorn 10 Jute Fibers
Strawberry seeds Strawberry 1 basket of Apples
Watermelon seeds Watermelon 10 leaves of Curry


Here is some information on the seeds you can plant in Flowers Patches, with earned XP and needed levels. Flower patches are found in the same location as Allotments.

Seed Name Needed level Planting XP Picking XP Average grow time Result
Marigold seeds Marigold 2 8.5 47 17.5 mins Marigolds
Rosemary seeds Rosemary 11 12 67 17.5 mins Rosemary
Nasturtium seeds Nasturtium 24 20 111 17.5 mins Nasturtium
Woad seeds Woad 25 20.5 115.5 17.5 mins Woad leaf
Limpwurt seeds Limpwurt 26 21 120 17.5 mins Limpwurt root

When flowers are fully grown, they will protect a specific vegetable. Note that if you pick the flowers, the vegetables will lose their protection.

Flower Name Protects
Marigold seeds Marigold Onions, Tomatoes and Potatoes
Rosemary seeds Rosemary Cabbages
Scarecrow Scarecrow Sweetcorn
Nasturtium seeds Nasturtiums Watermelons


Scarecrows protect sweetcorn crops from getting eaten by birds (which are a "disease"). First, you have to build it, and then place it on a flower patch.
To make them, follow these instructions:

  1. Use an Empty Sack on a Straw Bale (A straw bale can be found north of the farming shop in Ardougne)
  2. Use the Hay Sack on a Bronze Spear (Dropped by Goblins)
  3. Place a Watermelon on the top, as a head


Here is some information on the seeds you can plant in Herb Patches, with earned XP and needed levels. Herb patches are found in the same location as Allotments and Flower Patches. Herbs are used in the Herblore skill to make potions.

Seed Name Needed level Planting XP Picking XP Average grow time Result
Guam seeds Guam Leaf 9 11 12.5 70 mins Clean guam
Marrentill seeds Marrentill 14 13 15 70 mins Clean marrentill
Tarromin seeds Tarromin 19 16 18 70 mins Clean tarromin
Harralander seeds Harralander 26 22 24 70 mins Clean harralander
Goutweed tuber Gout Weed 29 105 45 70 mins Goutweed
Ranarr seeds Ranarr Weed 32 26.5 30.5 70 mins Clean ranarr
Toadflax seeds Toadflax 38 34 38 70 mins Clean toadflax
Irit seeds Irit Leaf 44 43 49 70 mins Clean irit
Avantoe seeds Avantoe 50 54 62 70 mins Clean avantoe
Kwuarm seeds Kwuarm 56 69 82 70 mins Clean kwuarm
Snapdragon seeds Snapdragon 62 57 99 70 mins Clean snapdragon
Cadantine seeds Cadantine 67 107 120 70 mins Clean cadantine
Lantadyme seeds Lantadyme 73 135 151.5 70 mins Clean lantadyme
Dwarf weed seeds Dwarf Weed 79 170 192 70 mins Clean dwarf weed
Torstol seeds Torstol 85 199.5 224 70 mins Clean torstol


Hop Patches are never next to other patches. There are currently 4 hop patches in RuneScape:

Map Info Closest Bank
North-West of Seers' Village. The fastest way to get there is to teleport to Camelot. Seers' Village Bank
North in Yanille. Closest teleport is the Watchtower. Yanille Bank
North of Lumbridge Farms, southeast of Champions' Guild. Closest teleport is Varrock. Both Varrock Banks
Sout-West on Entrana. Note that you can't wield any armour or weapons when going to Entrana. Draynor Bank

Here is some information about the seeds you can plant in Hop Patches, with information about earned XP and needed levels.

Seed Name Needed level Planting XP Harvesting XP Average grow time Result
Barley seeds Barley 3 11 10 35 mins Barley
Hammerstone seeds Hammerstone Hops 4 9 10 35 mins Hammerstone hops
Asgarnian seeds Asgarnian Hops 8 11 12 45 mins Asgarnian hops
Jute seeds Jute Plant 13 13 14.5 45 mins Jute fibre
Yanillian seeds Yanillian Hops 16 14.5 16 55 mins Yanillian hops
Krandorian seeds Krandorian Hops 21 17 19.5 65 mins Krandorian hops
Wildblood seeds Wildblood Hops 28 23 26 75 mins Wildblood hops

Either, you can take care of the plants yourself, or you can pay a local farmer to do it. If you hire a farmer, it will cost you another farming product, and different crops need different farming products:

Seed Name Payment
Barley seeds Barley 3 Buckets of Compost
Hammerstone seeds Hammerstone Hop 1 bunch of Marigold
Asgarnian seeds Asgarnian Hop 1 sack of Onions
Jute seeds Jute Plant 6 handfulls of Barley Malt
Yanillian seeds Yanillian Hop 1 basket of Tomatoes
Krandorian seeds Krandorian Hop 3 sacks of Cabbage
Wildblood seeds Wildblood Hop 1 Nasturium


Bushes can only be planted at bush patches. When they're ready to be picked, you will have to first check their health, then you can pick them. The advantage is that if you pay a farmer, you can come to your bush regulary without having to plant new ones. The bush will always grow more, if a farmer watches it. So you can check health and pick the bushes daily, without having to plant new bushes! However, if you want to clear your patch, simply use a spade on it.

Map Info Closest Bank
West of Champions' Guild, South of Varrock. Teleport to Varrock and walk to the southern gate, then south-west. If you want to bank, go to the west bank, then go out of the city, then south. Varrock West Bank
Teleport to Ardougne, and go south, out of the city, then south-west. Ardougne South-West Bank
Use your Enchanted Lyre to teleport to Relekka, then walk north-east and take the ship to Miscellania, then go east. Etceteria Bank
Teleport to Falador or Draynor. From Falador, go the southern gate, then southwest. From Draynor, go west. Alternatively, you can use House Teleport if your house is located in Rimmington. Falador East Bank / Draynor Bank

Here is some information of the seeds you can plant in bush patches, with earned XP and needed levels.

Seed Bush Needed level Planting XP Check health XP Picking XP Average grow time Result
Redberry seeds Redberry 10 8.5 64 4 90 mins Redberries
Cadavaberry seeds Cadavaberry 22 18.5 102 7 110 mins Cadava berries
Dwellberry seeds Dwellberry 36 31 177.5 12 130 mins Dwellberries
Jangerberry seeds Jangerberry 48 50.5 284.5 19 150 mins Jangerberries
Whiteberry seeds Whiteberry 59 78 437 29 150 mins Whiteberries
Poison ivy seeds Poison Ivy 70 120 674 45 150 mins Poison ivy berries

Either, you can take care of the plants yourself, or you can pay a local farmer to do it. If you hire a farmer, it will cost you another farming product, and different crops need different farming products:

Seed Bush Payment
Redberry seeds Redberry 4 sacks of Cabbages
Cadavaberry seeds Cadavaberry 3 baskets of Tomatoes
Dwellberry seeds Dwellberry 3 baskets of Strawberries
Jangerberry seeds Jangerberry 6 Watermelons
Whiteberry seeds Whiteberry 8 Mushrooms
Poison ivy seeds Poison Ivy none (cannot become diseased)


To plant a tree, you have to go to a Tree Patch. If a tree becomes diseased, you will have to use secateurs on it. After you check the health of your tree, you can chop it down. You will earn normal woodcutting XP for this. See our Woodcutting guide for more information about woodcutting.

Once you've cut it, you will see the tree roots like normally. However, if you want to clear the patch, you will have to use a spade with the root. You will receive a tree root for this. Different tree roots can be used to do different things.

Map Info Closest Bank
This patch, located in Falador, is the most used tree patch, as it is very close to the bank, and you can easiliy teleport to it. Falador East Bank
Teleport to Varrock, and walk north to the Varrock Castle Courtyard. Varrock East Bank
Located behind Lumbridge Castle. Teleport to Lumbridge, and walk around the castle walls until you're there. There is no bank close to it, closest is draynor. Bank before you teleport!
Teleport to Falador, go to Taverley. Just after the members' gate, go south. Falador West Bank

Here is some information of the seeds you can plant in Tree Patches, with earned XP and needed levels.

Seed Name Needed level Planting XP Checking Health XP Average grow time Result
Acorn Acorn
(Oak Tree)
15 18 467.5 140 mins Oak logs
Willow seeds Willow Tree 30 25 1456.5 220 mins Willow logs
Maple seeds Maple Tree 45 45 3403 300 mins Maple logs
Yew seeds Yew Tree 60 81 7069.5 380 mins Yew logs
Magic seeds Magic Tree 75 145 13768 460 mins Magic logs

Either, you can take care of the plants yourself, or you can pay a local farmer to do it. If you hire a farmer, it will cost you another farming product, and different crops need different farming products:

Seed Name Payment
Acorn Oak Tree 1 basket of Tomatoes
Willow seeds Willow Tree 1 basket of Apples
Maple seeds Maple Tree 1 basket of Oranges
Yew seeds Yew Tree 10 Cactus Spines
Yew seeds Magic Tree 25 Coconuts

Fruit Trees

Fruit Trees are planted in Fruit Tree Patches. When they are fully grown, you will have to check their health. If the tree is healthy, you can pick the fruits.

Map Info Closest Bank
Teleport to Camelot and walk southeast. It's southeast of Catherby. Catherby Bank
Gnome Stronghold. Use a Spirit Tree to get there. You can also use Gnome Glider. Otherwise, use Ardougne Teleport and walk northwest until you reach it. Tree Gnome Stronghold South Bank
Teleport to Ardougne, and walk south-west. This is just west of the Tree Gnome Village. Ardougne South Bank
Take the ship from Ardougne to Brimhaven. It's just south of Brimhaven Docks. Ardougne South Bank
Use a charged elf crystal to teleport there. Must have completed Mourning's Ends Part I to use this patch. Lletya Bank

Here is some information of the seeds you can plant in Fruit Tree Patches, with earned XP and needed levels.

Seed Name Needed level Planting XP Checking Health XP Picking XP Average grow time Result
Apple tree seeds Apple Tree 27 22 1199 8 880 mins Apple
Banana tree seeds Banana Tree 33 28 1750.5 10.5 880 mins Banana
Orange tree seeds Orange Tree 39 35 2470 13.5 880 mins Orange
Curry tree seeds Curry Tree 42 40 2907 15 880 mins Curry leaf
Pineapple tree seeds Pineapple Tree 51 57 4605.5 22.5 880 mins Pineapple
Papaya tree seeds Papaya Tree 57 72 6147 27 880 mins Papaya
Palm tree seeds Palm Tree 68 111 10100 42 880 mins Coconut

You can either take care of the plants yourself, or you can pay a local farmer to do it. If you hire a farmer, it will cost you another farming product, and different crops need different farming products:

Seed Name Payment
Apple tree seeds Apple Tree 9 Sweetcorns
Banana tree seeds Banana Tree 4 baskets of Apples
Orange tree seeds Orange Tree 3 baskets of Strawberries
Curry tree seeds Curry Tree 5 baskets of Bananas
Pineapple tree seeds Pineapple Tree 10 Watermelons
Papaya tree seeds Papaya Tree 10 Pineapples
Palm tree seeds Palm tree 15 Papayas


In addition to the regular crops you can plant, there are some special crops that don't fit in the categories above. Note that even if there are three Spirit Tree Patches, you can only plant one spirit tree! So make a wise choice when you choose your location!

Map Plant Info Closest Bank
Bittercap Mushroom South-West of Canifis. You can either teleport to Port Phasmatys or to Varrock, and then walk to Canifis Canifis Bank
Cactus North-East in Al-Kharid. Teleport to Al-Kharid or Duel Arena is the fastest way to get there. Al-Kharid Bank
Belladonna Teleport to Draynor, and walk north into Draynor Manor. It's east of the manor. Draynor Bank
Calquat Tree Take the boat from Ardogune to Brimhaven, and then walk south. When you reach the general store, go south-east. It's north of Tai Bwo Wannai. Ardougne South bank
Spirit Tree Use your Enchanted Lyre to teleport to Relekka, then walk north-east and take the ship to Miscellania, then go east to get to Etceteria. Etceteria Bank
Spirit Tree Take the boat from Ardogune to Brimhaven, then walk south-east from Brimhaven Docks. Ardougne South Bank
Spirit Tree Teleport to Draynor and go around the fence to get to the patch which is north-east of Port Sarim. Draynor Bank

Here is some information of the special seeds you can plant, with earned XP and needed levels.

Seed Name Needed level Planting XP Checking Health XP Picking XP Average grow time Result
Mushroom spore Bittercap Mushroom 53 41 57 220 mins Bittercap mushroom
Cactus Cactus 55 57 374 25  550 mins Cactus spine
Belladonna Belladonna
63 91 512 70 mins Nightshade
Calquat tree seed Calquat Tree 72 130 12096 48,5 1200 mins Calquat
Spirit seed Spirit Tree 83 199,5 19302 3680 mins Spirit tree

Tool leprechauns

Tool leprechauns are at every single farming location. They are extremely useful as they can hold nearly every tool needed for basic farming. They can hold the following tools:
Farming rake
Seed dibber
All-purpose spade
Secateurs (Magic Secateurs or normal secateurs can be placed here)
Watering can (any level of water is allowed)
Gardening trowel
Empty buckets

Tool leprechaun farming equipment store

Magic Secateurs

During the quest A Fairy Tale Part I - Growing Pains, you are given some magical secateurs. They function the same as normal ones and can be left with the tool leprechauns. When wielded, they enhance the amount your crops yield by 10% when you pick them.

If you lose them, Malignius Mortifer will replace them for you for a fee of 40,000 coins. He is located south of Falador where the four elemental mages are.

Amulet of Nature

Amulet of nature The Amulet of Nature helps you keep track of one of your farming patches. It will tell you if the crop becomes diseased, if it's finished etc. Note that you can only have one Amulet of Nature at once!

To make an Amulet of Nature, follow these instructions:

  1. Get some Magic Tree Roots. You can get these by first farming a Magic Tree (level 75 farming required), then cut it down when it's fully grown, and use a spade on the roots when it's cut down to get Magic Tree Roots.
  2. Go to a Spinning Wheel and spin the Root.
  3. Make a Gold Bar from a Gold Ore.
  4. Get an cut Emerald.
  5. Use the Gold Bar on a Furnace, and make an Emerald Amulet. Note that you will need to have the Emerald in your backpack, and you will need an Amulet Mould.
  6. Use the Spun Magic Tree Root on the unfinished Amulet.
  7. Cast the Enchant level 2 Jewelry spell on it.

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