Slayer is a members-only skill. In this skill, a slayer master gives you a task that you will have to complete. The task is to kill a certain monster, and they can be in all levels. From the easiest slayer masters, you can be assigned to kill a few goblins, while the hardest can give you tons of dragons to kill. The XP you get, is the same amount as the monster's hitpoint. Also, if you're assigned to kill Giants, you can kill everything with "Giant" in its name: Hill Giant, Moss Giant etc. So, if you're assigned to kill goblins, you will get more XP from killing Hobgoblins, since they have more hitpoints than a normal goblin, but they're harder to kill.
Guide links
Slayer masters
To get a slayer task, you will have to speak to a slayer master. There are 6 Slayer Masters, which gives tasks of different difficulties:
- Turael - Very easy
- Mazchna - Easy
- Vannaka - Medium
- Chaeldar - Hard
- Sumona - Harder
- Duradel - Very Hard
Turael is the easiest slayer master, and he can be found in his small house southeast from Burthorpe.
There are no requirements to go to this slayer master, and it's recommended to start with slayer master if your combat level isn't too high. Also, if you've got a task which is too hard from an other slayer master, you can ask Turael to give you an easier one. However, you can't change the task if Turael gave you the task.
Turael's slayer assignments |
- Banshees
- Bats
- Bears
- Birds
- Cave Bugs
- Cave Crawlers
- Cave Slimes
- Cows
- Crawling Hands
- Desert lizards
- Dogs
- Dwarves
- Ghosts
- Goblins
- Monkeys
- Icefiends
- Kalphites
- Minotaurs
- Scorpions
- Skeletons
- Spiders
- Wolves
- Zombies
Mazchna can be found northeast of Canifis, close to the Clothing Shop.
Like Turael, there is no requirement to get a task from him.
Mazchna's slayer assignments |
- Banshees
- Bats
- Bears
- Catablepon
- Cave Bugs
- Cave Crawlers
- Cave Slimes
- Cockatrice
- Crawling Hands
- Desert Lizards
- Dogs
- Earth Warriors
- Flesh Crawlers
- Ghouls
- Ghosts
- Hill Giants
- Hellhounds
- Ice Warriors
- Kalphites
- Mogres
- Pyrefiends
- Rock Slugs
- Shades
- Skeletons
- Vampires
- Wall Beasts
- Wolves
- Zombies
Vannaka can be found just east of the entrance of the Wilderness part of the Edgeville Dungeon.
He's the best slayer master that has no requirement. (Also, he's the guy who taught you how to fight on the tutorial island!)
Vannaka's slayer assignments |
- Aberrant Specters
- Ankou
- Banshees
- Basilisks
- Blue Dragons
- Bloodvelds
- Brine Rats
- Cave Bugs
- Cave Crawlers
- Cave Slimes
- Cockatrices
- Crawling Hands
- Crocodiles
- Dagannoths
- Desert Lizards
- Dust Devils
- Earth Warriors
- Elves
- Fire Giants
- Ghouls
- Green Dragons
- Harpy Bug Swarms
- Hellhounds
- Hill Giants
- Ice Giants
- Ice Warriors
- Invernal Mages
- Jellies
- Jungle Horror
- Kalphites
- Killerwatts
- Lesser Demons
- Mogres
- Molanisks
- Moss Giants
- Ogres
- Otherworldly Beings
- Pyrefiends
- Rock Slugs
- Sea Snakes
- Shadow Warriors
- Trolls
- Turoths
- Vampires
- Werewolves
Chaeldar can be found in the Lost City of Zanaris, in the room south of the entrance.
To get a task from him, you will need at least level 70 combat. To enter Zanaris, you will have to do the Lost City quest.
Chaeldar's slayer assignments |
- Abberant Specters
- Abyssal Demons
- Banshees
- Basilisks
- Blue Dragons
- Bloodvelds
- Brine Rats
- Bronze Dragons
- Cave Bugs
- Cave Crawlers
- Cave Horrors
- Cave Slime
- Cockatrice
- Crawling Hands
- Crocodiles
- Dagannoths
- Desert Lizards
- Dust Devils
- Elves
- Fire Giants
- Fever Spiders
- Gargoyles
- Greater Demons
- Harpie Bug Swarms
- Hellhounds
- Infernal Mages
- Iron Dragons
- Jellies
- Jungle Horrors
- Kalphites
- Kurasks
- Lesser Demons
- Morges
- Molanisks
- Mutated Zygomites
- Nechryaels
- Pyrefiends
- Rockslugs
- Shadow Warriors
- Spirtual Mages
- Spirtual Rangers
- Spirtual Warriors
- Trolls
- Turoths
- Wall Beasts
- Werewolves
- Warped Terrorbirds
- Warped Tortoises
Sumona is the newest Slayer Master to join the ranks, and can be found North of the General Store in Pollivneach.
Sumona's tasks are easily cannoned and offer fast expierence. You will need at least level 85 Combat and at least level 35 Slayer. Also, you must complete the Smoking Kills quest to recieve a task from Sumona.
Sumona's slayer assignments |
- Aberrant Spectres
- Abyssal Demons
- Banshees
- Basilisks
- Black Demons
- Blue Dragons
- Bloodvelds
- Cave Crawlers
- Cave Horrors
- Dagannoths
- Dust Devils
- Elves
- Fire Giants
- Gargoyles
- Greater Demons
- Hellhounds
- Iron Dragons
- Kalphites
- Kurask
- Nechryael
- Red Dragons
- Scabarite Minions
- Spiritual Mages
- Spiritual Warriors
- Terror Dogs
- Trolls
- Turoths
- Warped Tortoises
Duradel, the hardest of all slayer masters, can be found above the Fishing Store in Shilo Village.
To get a task from him, you will need at least level 100 combat. Also, you have to complete the Shilo Village quest to enter Shilo Village.
Duradel's slayer assignments |
- Aberrant Specters
- Abyssal demons
- Black Demons
- Black Dragons
- Bloodveld
- Dagannoths
- Dark Beasts
- Dust Devils
- Fire Giants
- Gargoyles
- Goraks
- Greater Demons
- Hellhounds
- Iron Dragons
- Kalphites
- Mithril Dragons
- Nechryaels
- Scarbarite Minions
- Skeletal Wyverns
- Spiritual Mages
- Steel Dragons
- Suqahs
- Warped Terrorbirds
- Waterfiends
Slayer creatures
In addition to normal monsters, there are special Slayer Monsters which requires a special Slayer Level to kill. Also, they give better loots when killed than normal monsters.
Most of them are in three places:
- Lumbridge Caves
Entrance in the Lumbridge Swamp
[location map], you should have a light (lantern or candle etc)
- Slayer Tower
Located northwest of Canifis.
[location map]
- Slayer Dungeon
Located southeast of Relekka, just west of the Golden Apple Tree.
[location map]
Picture |
Name |
Slayer level |
Monster level |
Equipment Required |
Location |
Crawling Hand |
5 |
8 & 12 |
None |
Slayer Tower |
Cave Bug |
7 |
6 |
None |
Lumbridge Caves |
Cave Crawler |
10 |
23 |
None |
Slayer Dungeon, Lumbridge Caves |
Banshee |
15 |
23 |
Earmuffs |
Slayer Tower |
Cave Slime |
17 |
23 |
None |
Lumbridge Caves |
Rockslug |
20 |
29 |
Bag of Salt (use it when it's almost dead) |
Slayer Dungeon, Lumbridge Caves |
Desert Lizard |
22 |
12 & 24 & 42 |
Ice Cooler |
South Uzer |
Cockatrice |
25 |
37 |
Mirror Shield |
Slayer Dungeon |
Pyrefiend |
30 |
43 |
None |
Slayer Dungeon |
Mogre |
32 |
60 |
Fishing Explosive |
Mudskipper point |
Harpie Bug Swarm |
33 |
46 |
Harpie Bug Latern (lit) |
North-east of the Tai-Bwo-Wannai village in Karamja, near the cliff edge that you scramble down to collect ingredients for the Jungle Potion quest |
Wall Beast |
35 |
49 |
Spiny Helmet |
Lumbridge Caves |
Killerwatt |
37 |
55 |
Slayer Boots (must be equipped) |
Rift on the top floor of Draynor Manor |
Basilisk |
40 |
61 |
Mirror Shield |
Slayer Dungeon |
Fever Spider |
42 |
49 |
Slayer Gloves |
Braindeath Island |
Infernal Mage |
45 |
66 |
None |
Slayer Tower |
Bloodveld |
50 |
76 |
None |
Slayer Tower |
Jelly |
52 |
78 |
None |
Slayer Dungeon |
Turoth |
55 |
83 & 85 & 87 & 89 |
Leaf-Bladed Spear / Broad Arrows / Slayer's Staff |
Slayer Dungeon |
Warped Terrorbird |
56 |
81 |
Crystal chime |
Sewer Slayer Dungeon |
Warped Tortoise |
56 |
96 |
Crystal chime |
Sewer Slayer Dungeon |
Zygomite |
57 |
74 & 86 |
Fungicide spray |
Zanaris, east of cosmic rune altar |
Cave Horror |
58 |
80 |
Witchwood Icon (must be equipped) |
Mos Le'Harmless Dungeon |
Aberrant Specter |
60 |
96 |
Nosepeg |
Slayer Tower |
Dust Devil |
65 |
93 |
Facemask |
Smokey Well in the Desert |
Kurask |
70 |
106 |
Leaf-Bladed Spear / Broad Arrows / Slayer's Staff |
Slayer Dungeon |
Skeletal Wyvern |
72 |
140 |
Elemental shield (must be equipped) |
Ice Dungeon south of Port Sarim |
Gargoyle |
75 |
111 |
Rock Hammer |
Slayer Tower |
Nechryael |
80 |
115 |
None |
Slayer Tower |
Abyssal Demon |
85 |
124 |
None |
Slayer Tower |
Dark Beast |
90 |
182 |
None |
Light Temple path |
Slayer equipment
Some of the slayer creatures can't be killed without certain items. The items are very different, some of them must be wielded, some are used on a weakened (almost dead) creature.
Some of these items can be bought from slayer masters.
Picture |
Name |
Requirements |
Uses |
Price |
Enchanted gem |
None |
Contact your Slayer Master |
1 gp |
Ice cooler |
None |
Killing weakened Desert Lizards |
1 gp |
Bag of Salt |
None |
Killing weakened Rockslugs |
60gp |
Rock Hammer |
None |
Killing weakened Gargoyles |
500gp |
Spiny helmet |
5 Defence |
Fends off Wall Beast attacks |
650gp |
Facemask |
10 Slayer |
Protection against Dust Devils |
200gp |
Earmuffs |
15 Slayer |
Protection against Banshees |
200gp |
Slayer Gloves |
17 Slayer |
Protection against Fever Spiders |
200gp |
Mirror shield |
25 Slayer
20 Defence |
Protection against Cockatrice & Basilisk |
5000gp |
Fishing explosive |
32 Slayer |
Needed to lure Mogres |
90-100gp |
Harpie Bug Lantern |
33 Slayer |
Needed to kill Harpie Bug Swarms |
130gp |
Witchwood icon |
35 Slayer |
Needed to kill Cave Horrors |
540gp |
Slayer Boots |
37 Slayer |
Needed to kill Killerwatts |
200gp |
Leaf-Bladed Spear |
55 Slayer
50 Attack |
Needed to kill Turoths and Kurasks |
31,000gp |
Broad arrows |
55 Slayer
50 Ranged |
Needed to kill Turoths and Kurasks |
60gp |
Slayer's staff |
55 Slayer
50 Magic |
Allows use of the Magic Dart spell to kill Turoths and Kurasks |
21,000gp |
Crystal chime |
56 Slayer |
Needed to kill Warped Tortoise and Terrorbirds. |
Obtained during The Path of Glouphrie |
Fungicide spray |
57 Slayer |
Needed to kill Zygomites |
300gp |
Nosepeg |
60 Slayer |
Protection against Aberrant Specters |
200gp |
Frequently asked questions about slayer.
Do I get normal combat experience when training Slayer?
Yes, you will get experience like normally, in all fighting styles.
Is there any assignments that I need to complete a quest before I do it?
No. You will only be assigned to kill monsters you have access to.
Do I get slayer XP if two are fighting on the same monster in mulicombat areas?
You will get 50% experience if you deal the most damage, and you will get 50% experience if you do the last hit. If you hit most, and did the last hit, you will get 100%, if you didn't hit last, nor hit most, you won't get any XP at all.
How much experience do I get when killing monsters?
You will get the same amount as hitpoints. For instance, the Goblins have 5 hitpoints. So you will get 5 XP by fighting them. However, if you fight Hobgoblins in level 28, you will get 29 XP, since it has 29 hitpoints.
Do I get XP from killing the Slayer creatures?
Only if you are assigned to kill them by a slayer master. If the slayer monster isn't your current task, you won't get any Slayer XP.