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Deep in some of the coldest and deepest areas of RuneScape lie strange monsters. These monsters are known to drop various furs, hides or tools that are valued by many players. There are many ways to trap these pesky creatures, varying from magical imp boxes to using a rented falcon to catch agile little kebbits.

Basics - Starting

To start hunting you will need a Noose wand or Bird snare, which can be bought from either Yanille [map] or Nardah [map] Hunter stores.


Hunting Areas

Now.. of course, kebbits and sabre-toothed kyatts aren't just going to roam around Varrock now are they? So you can find where to track down your pesky creatures here's a list of the eight different hunting grounds. Areas you can hunt at are marked on the mini-map with a symbol.


The Woodlands hunting area is located just south of the Piscatoris fishing colony which is northwest of the Gnome Stronghold. There is a near-by fairy ring to this hunting ground. (Code: A K Q)


The Jungle hunting area is south of Feldip Hills (South of Yannile). The best way to get there is using the gnome glider transport method (One Small Favour required) or the fairy ring nearby. (Code: A K S)


The snow hunting area, Trollweiss, is located north-east of Relleka (North of Camelot). The best way to get there is by using fairy rings. (Code: D K S).


The Desert hunting area is west of The Ruins of Uzer (South of Shanty Pass). The best way to get there is to use the Magic Carpet to the Ruins of Uzer or the fairy rings. (Code: D L Q)


The Swamp hunting area is located south of Canifis, between the Agility Arena and Dessous' Graveyard (Desert Treasure quest). To enter Mort Myre swamp you must have completed both the Priest in Peril and Nature Spirit quests. An additional easier route is to use the shortcut unlocked through the In Search of the Myreque quest. The other way to get there is to use fairy rings. (Code: D L S)


The Karamja hunting area is located south of Tai Bwo Wannai Village and north-east of Cairn Isle. The easiest way to get there is use the nearby fairy ring. (Code: C K R)


The Temple hunting area is located south-west of Ardounge, and west of the Khazard battlefield. The best way to get there is either using the nearby Spirit Tree or teleport to Ardounge and walk from there.


The Wilderness hunting area is the most dangerous of them all, it is in around level 20 Wilderness and is a multi-combat area. To get there, run north from Varrock and head north-east of the Chaos Temple.


To start tracking animals you first need a Noose wand, they can be bought for 4gp from either the Nardah or Yanille hunting stores (see Basics - Starting). Equip your noose wand then head to the area that corrosponds with the animal you wish to hunt. You must first search a "Burrow" or "Hole" to start the tracks, then follow these tracks and search any nearby objects such as logs, plants or caves, after a few times of following the tracks you will evantually come to the end of your trail, then search any nearby objects such as snow drifts, bushes etc. If the animal is hiding underneath the object you will recieve a message telling you that that it seems there is a animal underneath, now use the attack option and you will catch your animal. Attacking the wrong bush may result in recieving junk items such as an Old boot. The furs you recieve can be traded at the Varrock Fancy Dress Shop for various camoflauge outfits.

Picture Animal Needed level Area Earned XP Rewards
Polar Kebbit 1 Snow 30 Bones, Raw beast meat, Polar kebbit fur
Common Kebbit 3 Woodlands 36 Bones, Raw beast meat, Common kebbit fur
Feldip Weasel 7 Jungle 48 Bones, Raw beast meat, Feldip weasel fur
Desert Devil 13 Desert 66 Bones, Raw beast meat, Desert devil fur
Razor-backed Kebbit 49 Woodland (north) 348 Bones, Raw beast meat, Long kebbit spike

Bird Hunting

To start bird hunting you will need to purchase a bird snare from a Hunting store (see Basics - Starting) for 6gp, then head to the corresponding hunting location to the bird you wish to catch, place your trap below the birds and wait until a bird lands onto your trap. You can then take it off and reset your trap. If you have 39 or higher Hunter level, you can smoke your trap to avoid the birds smelling you and therefore increase your chances of catching them.

Picture Bird Needed level Area Earned XP Rewards
Crimson Swift 1 Jungle 34 Bones, Raw bird meat, Red feathers
Golden Warbler 5 Desert 47.5 Bones, Raw bird meat, Yellow feathers
Copper Longtail 9 Woodland 61.2 Bones, Raw bird meat, Orange feathers
Cerulean Twitch 11 Snow 65 Bones, Raw bird meat, Blue feathers
Tropical Wagtail 19 Jungle 95.2 Bones, Raw bird meat, Stripy feathers

Butterfly Catching

To catch butterflies you must equip a butterfly net and have empty jars in your inventory, then you simply chase the butterfly until you catch it. Once in a jar, each butterfly can raise nearby players' stats by around 20% (Accept aid must be on).

Picture Butterfly Needed level Area Earned XP Reward
Ruby Harvest 15 Woodlands 24 Ruby Harvest (Boosts Attack)
Sapphire Glacialis 25 Snow 34 Sapphire Glacialis (Boosts Defence)
Snowy Knight 35 Snow 44 Snowy Knight (Boosts Hitpoints)
Black Warlock 45 Jungle 54 Black Warlock (Boosts Strength)

Deadfall Trapping

To setup a deadfall trap, you must have a log and a knife. It is also advised that you take a hatchet with you which will allow you to refill your log supply. Once you have setup your trap, simply wait until your catch comes and then grab it and reset your trap. To increase your chances of catching your prey, it is advised that you use the appropirate bait, or if your Hunter level is 39 or higher, you can smoke your trap with a torch to avoid the animal smelling you therefore increasing your chance to catch it.

The rewards from Deadfall trapping can be very useful to certain skills; the claws can be attatched to dragon or leather hide vambraces (level 32
Crafting required) which gives a +2 strength bonus. Barb-tailed kebbits drop Barbtailed harpoons, which are useful for harpoon fishing as you can equip them giving you one extra inventory space. The kebbit teeth dropped by the Sabre-toothed kebbits can be ground and mixed with avantoe to create a Hunter potion (level 53 Herblore required) which will temporarily boost your Hunter level by 3 levels. Lastly, the kebbit spikes can be used with a chisel to create kebbit bolts which can be used with the Hunter crossbow (level 32 Fletching required).

Picture Animal Needed level Area Bait Earned XP Rewards
Wild Kebbit 23 Woodland Raw meat 128 Bones, Kebbit claws
Barb-tailed Kebbit 33 Jungle Raw rainbowfish 168 Bones, Barb-tailed harpoon
Prickly Kebbit 37 Woodland Barley 204 Bones, Kebbit spike
Sabre-toothed Kebbit 51 Snow Raw meat 200 Bones, Kebbit teeth

Box Traps

To catch Chinchompas or Ferrets, you must first purchase a Box Trap from any Hunting store, and then set the box trap up and wait. In order to trap Ferrets, you must have completed the Eagles' Peak quest. Ferrets are used to flush Rabbits out, Chinchompas can be used as a range weapon.

Picture Animal Needed level Area Bait Earned XP Reward
Ferret 27 Woodland Raw meat 115 Ferret
Chinchompa 53 Woodland Spicy Chopped Tomato 198.5 Chinchompa
Red Chinchompa 63 Jungle Spicy Minced Meat 265 Red Chinchompa

Net Traps

To begin hunting lizards/salamanders, you need a small net and a rope for each trap that you're going to set up. If you have the herblore level for them, you can make herb tars to use as baits on the traps to attract your prey to the trap, though a bait is hardly ever used for training purposes. A herb tar is made in 15s by using the corresponding herb with a pestle and a mortar, then using it on 15 tars.

Once you've reached level 39 hunter, you can also use a lit torch with your trap to "remove your scent" to get a better chance of catching a prey.

When caught, salamanders can be used as a weapon that is capable of using all 3 forms of combat.

Picture Animal Needed level Area Bait Earned XP Reward
Swamp lizard 29 Swamp Guam tar 152 Swamp lizard
Orange salamander 47 Desert Marrentill tar 224 Orange salamander
Red salamander 59 Lava Tarromin tar 272 Red salamander
Black salamander 67 Wilderness Harralander tar 304 Black salamander


Pitfall traps can be made by using a log on a trap hotspot while having a knife in your inventory. To get the beasts to fall into your traps, you need to poke them with a teasing stick, which will make them follow/attack you. Once you have one following, you jump across the trap that you made, and your prey will either walk right into the trap, giving you valuable furs or jump cross like you did, which will result you in having to repeat the process. You cannot use a single trap twice in a row.

The furs can be made into clothing. Refer to the
Clothing section for more info.

Picture Animal Needed level Area Earned XP Reward
Spined larupia 31 Jungle 180 Big bones, Normal/tatty larupia fur
Horned graahk 41 Karamja 240 Big bones, Normal/tatty graahk fur
Sabre-toothed kyatt 55 Snow 300 Big bones, Normal/tatty kyatt fur


To start on Falconry, you need to pay 500 gp to Matthias who owns the falconry area near the Piscatoris Fishing Colony in the Woodland to borrow a falcon, with which you cannot leave the area with. You are unable to wear anything in your weapon, shield and gloves slot while you are holding a falcon. When you click on the kebbits in the area, your falcon will fly to it for the kill and it will drop bones and a fur depending on what kind of kebbit it was.

The furs can be made into clothing. Refer to the
Clothing section for more info.

Picture Animal Needed level Area Earned XP Reward
Spotted kebbit 43 Woodland 104 Bones, Spotted kebbit fur
Dark kebbit 57 Woodland 132 Bones, Dark kebbit fur
Dashing kebbit 69 Woodland 156 Bones, Dashing kebbit fur

Magic Imp Box

Imp catching is pretty much the same as box traps, in which you just lay the trap on the ground and wait until a prey steps on it by accident. The beads used as bait for imps can be obtained by killing them.

In exchange for releasing them, imps will carry 2 items from your inventory to your bank from anywhere in RuneScape with the exception of level 30+ wilderness.

Picture Animal Needed level Area Bait Earned XP Reward
Imp 71 Worldwide Magic beads 450 Trapped imp

Rabbit Snaring

Rabbit catching is quite a simple job compared to the others. You need to set up a rabbit snare in the direction that the burrows face, then use a ferret to "flush out" the rabbits inside the burrows. A rabbit will get caught in your snare while running away if you're lucky.

If you string a rabbit foot with a ball of wool, you'll get a Strung rabbit foot, which makes nest drops more common while woodcutting.

Picture Animal Needed level Area Earned XP Reward
White Rabbit 27 Woodland 144 Bones, Raw rabbit meat, Rabbit foot


If you have finished Eagles' Peak, you have the ability to ride eagles to the main hunting areas using a rope on them. You get no XP at all, but this is currently the fastest way to get to the hunting areas.

Before you can fully use this method of transportation, some locations need to be unlocked:

  • To enter the nest in the Jungle area, you have to use a teasing stick on the vine outside the entrance and wait for it to grow. It's possible to exit from the nest even when the vines haven't grown, though.
  • To enter the nest in the Desert area, you have to walk there and push the boulder from the outside.

Picture Animal Needed level Area Earned XP
Giant Eagles 27 Various None

Hunting Equipment

To catch the above creatures, you will need some cunning equipment, here's a list of them and where to get them. All except one of the equipment listed below can be bought from the hunting stores in Yanille and Nardah.

Picture Name Needed level Obtained Uses
Bird snare 1 Store bought Used as a trap for catching hunter birds
Noose wand 1 Store bought Used for tracking
Butterfly net 15 Store bought Used for catching butterflies
Magic butterfly net 42 A reward from the minigame Impetuous Impulses A better version of a normal butterfly net
Butterfly jar 15 Store bought Used to store butterflies
Rabbit snare 27 Store bought Used to snare rabbits
Box trap 27 Store bought Used to catch box trap creatures
Teasing stick 31 Store bought Used to catch pitfall creatures
Torch 39 Store bought Used on traps to increase your chances of catching a prey
Magic box 71 Store bought Used to trap imps

Depending on your level, you can set up multiple traps at once. Here is the list of the levels needed for certain numbers of traps:

  • 2 traps - level 20
  • 3 traps - level 40
  • 4 traps - level 60
  • 5 traps - level 80


If you hunt using either Tracking, Pitfall or Falconry, you'll realise that you get furs for every animal that you catch. These furs can be made into useful hunting equipment by paying the Fancy dress shop owner in Varrock to make them for you or sold to fur traders for gold, with the exception of the Falconery furs, which the NPCs won't buy.


The clothes below are made from kebbit furs obtained by Tracking. They give a minor advantage to hunting in their corresponding area.

Picture Name Needed level Items needed to make Uses
Polar camo set 1 2 polar kebbit furs and 20 gp for each part; 4 furs and 40 gp for all Gives a better chance of catching a prey when worn in Snowland areas
Wood camo set 1 2 common kebbit furs and 20 gp for each part; 4 furs and 40 gp for all Gives a better chance of catching a prey when worn in Wooland areas
Jungle camo set 4 2 feldip weasel furs and 20 gp for each part; 4 furs and 40 gp for all Gives a better chance of catching a prey when worn in Jungle areas
Desert camo set 10 2 desert devil furs and 20 gp for each part; 4 furs and 40 gp for all Gives a better chance of catching a prey when worn in Desert areas


Hunting a beast using Deadfall traps will get you hides that can be used to make clothes better than normal camo sets. Each time you suceed in hunting a beast, you will either get a tatty or a normal fur. Normal furs can be made into hat, top or legs, but tatty ones can only be made into top or legs.

Picture Name Needed level Items needed to make Uses
Larupia set 28 1 normal/tatty larupia fur and 100 coins for top & legs, 1 normal fur and 500 coins for a hat; 2 normal/tatty fur, 1 normal fur and 700 gp for all Gives a much better chance of catching a prey when worn in Woodland/Jungle areas
Graahk set 38 1 normal/tatty graahk fur and 150 coins for top & legs, 1 normal fur and 750 coins for a hat; 2 normal/tatty fur, 1 normal fur and 1050 gp for all Gives a much better chance of catching a prey when worn in Desert areas
Kyatt set 52 1 normal/tatty kyatt fur and 200 coins for top & legs, 1 normal fur and 1000 coins for a hat; 2 normal/tatty fur, 1 normal fur and 1400 gp for all Gives a much better chance of catching a prey when worn in Snowland areas


Different from the furs obtained from Tracking and Deadfalls, clothing made from Falconry furs is used for non-hunting purposes.

Picture Name Needed level Items needed to make Uses
Spotted cape Spotted cape 40 Spotted kebbit fur Gives a -2.5 kg weight bonus when worn
Gloves of silence Gloves of silence 54 Dark kebbit fur When worn it gives a better chance of succesfully pickpocketing from an NPC using the Thieving skill. Disappears after being used around 50 times.
Spottier cape Spottier cape 66 Dashing kebbit fur Gives a -5 kg weight bonus when worn.

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