Runescape hjælp - Woodcutting

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Woodcutting is, as the title suggests, the skill needed to cut down trees. Throughout the world of RuneScape, there are many different types of trees which all require a specific level to cut. To cut a tree, you need an axe (hatchet), but you don't need to wield it. The wood is either used for firemaking or fletching, or you can convert it into planks to use it in the construction skill.

But beware of the woodcutting random events! Tree spirits may appear and attack you, trees may become alive and damage your axe, and your axe head can fly off from the handle!

For information on training this skill, please see the
Woodcutting training guide. You should also check out our Woodcutting calculator (If it is too slow or doesn't work, use the simple woodcutting calculator).


You can wield the hatchets to get one more space in your backpack, but in order to do this, you will also need a certain attack level.
Picture Name Needed level Attack level to wield Price
Bronze axe Bronze axe 1 1 15gp
Iron axe Iron axe 1 1 30gp
Steel axe Steel axe 6 5 110gp
Black axe Black axe 6 10 1,200gp
Mithril axe Mithril axe 21 20 250gp
Adamant axe Adamant axe 31 30 700gp
Rune axe Rune axe 41 40 8,500gp
Dragon axe Dragon axe
Members only
61 60 1,700,000gp
Inferno Adze
Members only
61 N/A See description below

Inferno Adze Members only

The Inferno Adze is the God sent for Lumberjacks and Pyromaniacs. However with anything that helps anyone greatly it comes with very high requirements. This axe has the same speed and effectiveness as a Dragon Axe yet with upgraded features. Besides having the same comparability’s of a Rune Pickaxe, there is a 30% chance that you will receive both the Woodcutting and Firemaking experience for that log without using it with a tinderbox. You'll still be given the log, so don't worry. Another beautiful aspect of the Adze is you do not have to have any combat requirements in order to wield it. All you must do in order to obtain this majestic axe you must have completed All Fired Up, have 92 Firemaking as well as a variety of other levels and to top it all off, must have lit all 14 Beacons.

Machetes Members only

The 4 different machetes are used to chop down jungle vegetation in the Tai Bwo Wannai village. You can either buy them in Gabooty using the local currency, trading sticks, or you can bring the raw materials to Safta Doctor. The last option is a bit cheaper.

There are no needed levels to wear or use the machetes, but you need a certain level to chop down the jungle vegetation (read more about this in the next section). Below is a table that shows the types of machetes.
Machete Opal machete Jade machete Red topaz machete
Machete Opal Machete Jade Machete Red Topaz Machete

Vegetation types

There are different types of vegetation in the world of RuneScape. All trees requires an axe as mentioned in the previous section. The light jungle, medium jungle and dense jungle requires a machete to chop down. After cutting down any of the trees or jungle vegetation, you will get logs, bark or thatching spar depending on the type of tree you're cutting.
Tree Tree (regular)
Everywhere! The best place to train is in the forests.
Needed level: Earned XP: Members only: Logs
1 25 No
Evergreen Evergreen
Around the Dwarven mountain (where the entrance to the dwarven mines is) and south a few around the White Wolf Mountain. You get normal logs from Evergreens.
Needed level: Earned XP: Members only: Logs
1 25 No
Achey tree Achey tree
Eastern part of the Feldip Hills.
Needed level: Earned XP: Members only: Achey tree logs
1 25 Yes
Light Jungle
Around the Tai Bwo Wannai Village on the Karamja island. You do not get regular logs from them, but Thatch Spar Light. Use a machete to cut it.
Needed level: Earned XP: Members only: Thatch spar light
10 32 Yes
Oak tree Oak
These trees are very common too, but a good place is just south of the farm which is between Falador and Draynor.
Needed level: Earned XP: Members only: Oak logs
15 37.5 No
Medium Jungle Medium Jungle
Around the Tai Bwo Wannai Village on the Karamja island. You do not get regular logs from them, but Thatch Spar Med. Use a machete to cut it.
Needed level: Earned XP: Members only: Thatch spar med
20 55 Yes
Willow tree Willow
You can find these trees near water. If you want to bank the logs, you can train south of the bank in Draynor, NW of Seers or East of the Fishing Guild.
Needed level: Earned XP: Members only: Willow logs
30 67.5 No
Dense jungle Dense Jungle
Around the Tai Bwo Wannai Village on the Karamja island. You do not get regular logs from them, but Thatch Spar Dense. Use a machete to cut it.
Needed level: Earned XP: Members only: Thatch spar dense
35 80 Yes
Teak tree Teak
There are 9 teaks in the tree grove in Tai Bwo Wannai (100 trading sticks required to enter). Also, there are 5 teaks in the Kharazi Jungle south of Shilo Village and 3 on Ape Atoll. You can also get them in Miscellania after completing
Royal Trouble.
Needed level: Earned XP: Members only: Teak logs
35 85 Yes
Maple tree Maple
Only in members world. A good place is north of Seers Village, or just west of Legends Guild.
If used in conjunktion with Seer's Headband 2 or 3 you will recieve an extra 10 exp for each Maple you cut.
Note: Free players can use, burn and trade maple logs.
Needed level: Earned XP: Members only: Maple logs
45 100 Yes
Hollow tree Hollow tree
Haunted Woods, located east of Canifis in Morytania.
Needed level: Earned XP: Members only: Bark
45 100 Yes
There are 4 in the tree grove in Tai Bwo Wannai (100 trading sticks required to enter). Also, there are 2 in the Kharazi Jungle south of Shilo Village and 2 on Ape Atoll. You can also get them in Miscellania after completing
Royal Trouble.
Needed level: Earned XP: Members only: Mahogany logs
50 125 Yes
Located west of Oo'glog, which is south of the hunter area in Feldip Hills.
Needed level: Earned XP: Members only: Eucalyptus logs
58 165 Yes
Yew tree Yew
They're spread around RuneScape world, but a good place is in north varrock and between lumbridge and draynor. They're the only rare trees in the free world.
Needed level: Earned XP: Members only: Yew logs
60 175 No
Magic tree Magic tree
You can find 4 trees at Sorcerer's Tower, and three east of the ranging guild. They are also located near the Gnome Stronghold, and in Isafadar near Lletya.
Needed level: Earned XP: Members only: Magic logs
75 250 Yes

Canoes Members only

Using you woodcutting skill, you can also make canoes to travel up and down the river lum. There are 5 stations you can travel to. All of them are on the east side of the river.
  • Lumbridge, south of the small goblin house.
  • South of the Champions' Guild
  • Southeast of the Barbarian Village, south of the bridge leading to Varrock
  • Edgeville, south of the bridge.
  • Level 35 Wilderness, the lake south of the Moss Giants. This is a destination only station!
    You can only go to this station with a Waka canoe.

Making a canoe

  • Go to one of the stations (not the wilderness one) with an axe (hatchet).
  • Chop down the big tree at the station
  • When it's cut down, click on the fallen tree and select which canoe you wish to make
  • Click on the canoe again to push it down into the water
  • Board the canoe by clicking on it and select your destination

Types of canoes

Type of canoe Needed level Earned XP Where it can go
Log canoe
12 30 1 station away from the current station*
Dugout canoe
27 60 2 stations away from the current station*
Stable dugout
Stable dugout canoe
42 90 3 stations away from the current station*
Waka canoe
42 90 4 stations away from the current station
* Does not include the Wilderness

Log Prices

Woodcutting can make you alot of money, and if you are training firemaking/fletching, you might want to buy the logs instead of cutting them, so here is a complete price guide. All prices is for each log.
Picture Name Price
Logs Log 20-40 GP
Oak logs Oak Log 20-40 GP
Willow logs Willow Log 15-20 GP
Teak logs Teak Log 75-150 GP
Maple logs Maple Log 30-40 GP
Mahogany logs Mahogany Log 200-250 GP
Arctic pine logs Arctic Pine Log 155-175 GP
Eucalyptus logs Eucalyptus Log 350-390 GP
Yew logs Yew Log 400-500 GP
Magic logs Magic Log 1,200-1,400 GP
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